What is Picosure laser treatment, and how does it work?

Doctor's Answer

Hi there,

Picosure laser is the first commercially available picosecond laser machine in the world. It is invented by Cynosure, the same manufacturer that invented Medlite and Revlite (Q switched Nd:Yag lasers that rocked the world of pigmentation ).

Picosure laser has many unique groundbreaking qualities.

Firstly, it’s 755nm wavelength is found to be better absorbed by pigments (previous Q switch Nd:Yag machines were either 532nm or 1064nm). Therefore there is better clearance of pigments with 755nm wavelength.

Secondly, it’s picosecond technology means its pulse duration is 1000 times shorter than Q switched machines , thus generating mostly photoacoustic energy (much better absorbed by pigments , breaking pigments into sand like particles that can be easily removed by our skin )and minimal photothermal energy (which causes unnecessary background damage ), ensuring there isn’t much collateral heat damage to surrounding structures. This also has a Lower chance of causing post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation as compared to traditional Q switched lasers.

Thirdly, it’s patented Focus Lens Array technology (lens shaped like a Beehive) focuses the laser into 20x the energy and delivers it into the deeper skin levels without harming or removing the top layer of the skin, and is proven by multiple clinical studies to generate collagen consistently , resulting in pore shrinking , skin firming , reduction of fine lines and wrinkles and noticeable skin rejuvenation after every session. This technology is also able to treat acne scars as well !

It is the ONLY LASER that is US FDA-approved for tattoo removal , pigmentation removal and acne scars ! In my opinion , it’s a laser to rule them all , as it can successfully and noticeably remove tattoos and pigments with its original picosecond 755nm wavelength technology , and also remove acne scars , shrink pores and generate noticeable collagen for skin rejuvenation with the Focus Lens Array.

No wonder international Hollywood and Chinese actress Fan Bing Bing was caught doing this treatment in Taiwan and even our National Skin Centre is using Picosure as first line treatment for pigmentations .

Best Regards,
Dr Israr Wong

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