How can I tell if the redness on my skin is a clogged pore or something else?

Doctor's Answers 1

Hi, redness on the skin can be due to a variety of causes, including:

  • Rashes such as acne, eczema, allergies, psoriasis, rosacea
  • Skin growths such as angiomas, vascular birthmarks
  • Post-inflammatory erythema due to previous inflammation from acne or eczema

Given that there are broad-ranging possibilities, it is best to seek medical attention from either your local doctor or dermatologist to assess your skin condition further so that appropriate management strategies can be advised. Hope this helps.

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Thank you for the question Chemical peels are an effective treatment for comedones, acne scars and marks. There are also many different types of lasers in the market which can help to treat comedones, acne scars and marks. The choice of which treatment to choose depends on many factors, including the patient's skin type, skin sensitivity and concurrent treatment or medications used etc. There are also few studies which directly compare the effectiveness of chemical peels to laser treatment.

Photo of Dr Colin Theng

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Dr Colin Theng


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Hi there,For your skin issues as seen in the picture and described by you, there are 2 main options. 1. Chemical peels - chemical solutions safe for skin application like salicylic acid , lactic acid etc can be applied on the skin for 1-2 minutes and then washed off or neutralized by another solution. It causes exfoliation of dead skin cells, reduces inflammation , kills bacteria and stimulates renewal of skin. 2. Picosecond lasers with Focus Lens mode - my favourite is PicoSure, the first USA FDA-approved picosecond laser.

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