Is regression after LASIK more likely if I have high myopia?

Doctor's Answer

Yes, generally speaking, the risk of regression is somewhat higher the higher a patient's pre-existing myopia before undergoing LASIK.

Factors contributing to this include the fact that the corneal shape is changed more for high corrections, and also because some very high myopes may not fully stabilise even when they get older.

Having said that, how high is high?

Different studies give different results, but it is my experience that most patients with myopia up to around -7D or -8D (700-800 degrees) still get very good results. Even if their risk of regression is somewhat higher than someone with 200 or 300 degrees of myopia, very few regress to the extent that they need to wear glasses again. In other words, if regression occurs it is usually in the region of 50-75 degrees, where distance vision is still not too badly affected.

Patients who are particularly concerned about this can consider simultaneous LASIK with corneal crosslinking, as there are now small studies suggesting that regression can be reduced with this extra treatment.

Patients with even higher degrees of myopia may want to consider options such as ICL surgery, especially if their corneas are thinner than average.

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