How to get rid of acne marks? (photo)

Doctor's Answer

If I hear you correctly, you have red marks left from previous acne. These are not obvious on your picture indeed, but they are a very common sequela of acne vulgaris.

The name of that condition is post inflammatory erythema (PIE for short) and it is usually accompanied by post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH).

Whereas Epiduo could help with PIH, it doesn't do very much for PIE. Proper treatment of PIE (your condition) includes the proper use of skincare, and the correct type of lasers to speed up their removal.

Sunblock is of paramount importance as those PIE spots can darken very badly when exposed to sun.

Using the correct lasers to deal with acne and acne scarring is important as there are many different types of acne as well as acne scars.

Scars don't just present as marks, they can be bumpy (hypertrophic/keloid) as well as depressed (atrophic box, rolling or icepick). This is why I have a wide variety of lasers and skin treatments.

Red acne marks will usually require long pulse lasers to handle as the long pulse duration properly targets hemoglobin that is causing the redness.

Hope this was helpful!

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