When is septoplasty surgery required for a deviated septum, and what will happen if it is left untreated?

Septoplasty is necessary if you experience frequent nasal obstruction, that is not able to able to be controlled with medications. It can also be part of the therapy for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). If a deviated nasal septum is left untreated, the symptoms of nasal obstruction will persist. If the problem is part of the spectrum of OSA, then long term complications of OSA such as high blood pressure, heart problems and increased risk of stroke may occur.

Photo of Dr Valerie Tay

Answered By

Dr Valerie Tay

ENT Doctor

How does a septoplasty or rhinoplasty affect your sense of smell?

After the septoplasty or rhinoplasty, for about 2 weeks or so you will experience nasal congestion, blood stained mucus during the recovery period. This will lead to temporary loss of your sense of smell due to the nasal obstruction. Thereafter, the risk of loss of the sense of smell after the surgery (that lasts <6 mths) is uncommon, and has been reported to occur in <1% of patients.

Photo of Dr Valerie Tay

Answered By

Dr Valerie Tay

ENT Doctor

How much does a rhinoplasty cost in Singapore?

I would roughly put it as btwn $7000- >$20,000This depends on whether it's a first surgery or a repeat (revision) surgery, the complexity and time needed for the operation, the use of implants or graft harvest from other parts of your body, and of course the surgeon's experience and facility fees of the operating theatre. The cheapest rhinoplasty will be the "simple" rhinoplasty which is that of inserting an implant into the nose, but that will usually not give the best results.

Photo of Dr Valerie Tay

Answered By

Dr Valerie Tay

ENT Doctor

Is it true that you can't move your nose as much after having a rhinoplasty?

'Rhinoplasty' is a general term for surgery involving the nose. The actual procedures done vary greatly depending on what is needed and the surgeon doing it. I think what you're referring to is a stiff nose that doesn't bend as much when it is touched. This would happen if cartilage grafts that are stiffer than your actual nose (eg. rib grafts) are used. If ear cartilage or septal cartilage are used, your nose will still feel quite natural. Hope this helps.

Photo of Dr Christopher Chui

Answered By

Dr Christopher Chui

Plastic Surgeon

How to get the best results from a rhinoplasty for a crooked nose?

What results do you want to achieve for your rhinoplasty? Straightening of nose? Improvement in breathing? Or both? Unfortunately, there are no easy answers to your question. Your best bet will be to find the surgeon that 1) you are most comfortable with, so that you can communicate clearly your goals. 2) who does a lot of rhinoplasty 3) who can help you visualise your results either through simulations or results of his work, preferably both, so that you can decide whether it is the result you are looking for, and he can ascertain accurately what your requirements are.

Photo of Dr Kar Su‎ Tan

Answered By

Dr Kar Su‎ Tan

ENT Doctor

How is a septoplasty performed?

Septoplasty is any surgery that modifies the bony or cartilaginous septum of the nose. This can be done during an open rhinoplasty or using a closed technique. The main steps are: 1. Access the septum either by opening the nose or incision through the mucosa. 2. Identify and remove the the deformed bony and/or cartilginous septum but preserving enough cartilage to support the nose. 3. Reshape the remaining cartilage to bring it into the midline and straighten it. 4. Reinforce the cartilage to ensure it maintains the shape. 5.

Photo of Dr Christopher Chui

Answered By

Dr Christopher Chui

Plastic Surgeon

If I injured my nose after a nose job, do I need to see my nose surgeon again?

Thanks for your question. You should definitely check in with your surgeon if you have any of the following or do not feel well: Deviation of Nose Hump deformity Bleeding from the nose Swelling of the nose Difficulty Breathing Persistent Pain Depending on the impact and force of the injury, your nose may change after the injury and if that’s the case, you should certainly check in with your surgeon early to see if there is a nasal fracture or bruising.

Photo of Dr Terence Goh

Answered By

Dr Terence Goh

Plastic Surgeon

For revision rhinoplasty, what affects the cost and success rate?

Here are some factors that affect the cost of the revision rhinoplasty: The complexity of the surgery Length of the surgery The number of deformities that require correction Meanwhile, here are the factors that affect the success rate of the revision rhinoplasty: Reason for revision (infection, trauma etc) Skin quality of the nose If the patient is a smoker (poorer success) Number of revisions (higher the number, the lower the success rate)

Photo of Dr Samuel Ho

Answered By

Dr Samuel Ho

Plastic Surgeon

Can I get a nose thread lift after an autologous rhinoplasty?

Hi there,It is possible to do a nose threadlift to enhance the nasal angles and proportions but the process of it will be more arduous due to the fibrous tissue that has formed around the cartilage. It takes great experience and knowledge of anatomy to be performed safely with good results in such a case. This method is definitely preferred for a subtle enhancement if needed after a rhinoplasty as it is way safer than fillers and way less invasive than a revision rhinoplasty.

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When is it safe to get a rhinoplasty after a prior nose thread lift?

The answer to your question depends on the type of material for the threads you are going to insert into your nose. PDO threads can last to about 6-9 months. As such, it is safe to have a rhinoplasty 9 months after a nose thread lift unless threads of other materials are put in. PCL threads, on the other hand, would last about 18-24 months. Alternatively, the surgeon can stack the implant on top of the threads before they are dissolved but that’s not advisable. As always, do consult your doctor before making any decision before going for more than one aesthetic treatments.

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Can I still get HA nose fillers after a rhinoplasty?

As Dr Justin has pointed out, yes you can have HA nose fillers after a surgical rhinoplasty. In fact, one of the indications for fillers is for further improvement/ refinement post surgical rhinoplasty, which I have performed for several patients in my practice. I would advice that you seek an experienced injector to perform this treatment. Hope this helps!

Photo of Dr David Deng

Answered By

Dr David Deng


Is a septoplasty worth it in terms of relieved symptoms and improved appearance?

Septoplasty alone to address a deviated nasal septum is not meant to change the shape and appearance of your nose, it is to improve the breathing and nasal obstruction. A rhinoplasty can also be done at the same time (Septorhinoplasty) to change the shape of the nose. Septorhinoplasty can be functional or cosmetic, this will depend on the assessment by your surgeon at the time of consultation.

Photo of Dr Valerie Tay

Answered By

Dr Valerie Tay

ENT Doctor

What could cause a saddle nose after a septoplasty procedure?

Septoplasty involves removal or weakening of the portion of the septum that is deviated. The septum is also the main support structure that gives our nose its shape. When the Septoplasty had been too aggressive in removing or weakening the septum, structural weakening can occur. This may sometimes take time to manifest itself. With time, not only is there a worsening saddle deformity, the breathing function can also get worse as the nose starts to collapse on itself. To fix a saddle nose requires reconstruction of the septum.

Photo of Dr Kar Su‎ Tan

Answered By

Dr Kar Su‎ Tan

ENT Doctor

What are the main benefits of having septoplasty surgery?

A septoplasty is done to address a deviated nasal septum, especially if you experience frequent nasal obstruction, that is not able to able to be controlled with medications. It can open up the space in the the nasal passages so that you can breathe better, sleep better, and overall have more energy in your daily life!

Photo of Dr Valerie Tay

Answered By

Dr Valerie Tay

ENT Doctor

What’s the recovery process following rhinoplasty like?

The recovery process is rather straightforward. I usually tell my patients that the stitches are removed in a week, and by 2 weeks you will be comfortably back on your work routine (except exercise and alcohol consumption). Swelling, however, often takes 6 to 12 months to slowly settle, before revealing the final result. Not to worry though, as by 2 weeks, most people will not be able to tell you had a recent nose surgery or nose surgery for the matter.

Photo of Dr Kar Su‎ Tan

Answered By

Dr Kar Su‎ Tan

ENT Doctor

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