Will there be any scars after milia removal, and how long is the downtime?

Doctor's Answer

Thank you for your question on milia removal and downtime. Milia is the medical term for dilated cystic glands which are found just under the skin surface. They are usually 1 to 2 millimetres in size. It is caused by trapped keratin (dead skin cells) that clog up the swear ducts. This condition is rather common in the lower eyelid and can also affect the upper eyelid, nose cheek and chin. I have replied previously to an enquiry on milia here.

Milia in the undereye region

Some individuals are prone to milia but often it could be due to the use of skin care or creams which are too thick that leads to clogging of the pores. Sometimes changing your creams may lead to a reduction of milia.

Whilst milia may look like whiteheads, they can’t be popped by squeezing. Some topical creams such as retinoids and AHAs can help but the larger ones may be more resistant and would require treatment with a laser.

My preferred treatment for milia that’s stubborn would be to use a Smartxide CO2 laser. I have used this on numerous patients with great results. This laser has a wide array of settings and using the Ultrapulse (UP) mode allows me to deroof the milia with minimal or no scarring.

Nonetheless, I would still caution that a downtime of 2-3 days may be required as different individuals may respond differently. I also prescribe a simple antibiotic cream to be used until the skin heals and to protect the skin with a sunblock of SPF 35 and above.

I hope this answers your question. Have a great week ahead and all the best!

The information provided is purely for educational purposes and does not constitute medical advice or create any physician/patient relationship. Results may vary between individuals.

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