What has been the most memorable experience working on the frontlines, at the COVID-19 quarantine zones?

Doctor's Answer

I think when you talk about memorable experience, it’s the gratitude that you can see the foreign workers have given us. You know, when we go in they are all scared. They see these guys coming in with their full PPE suit and all that so they are all queuing, and they don’t know what’s happening. So you know, when we sit them down and we explain to them what we’re going to do, you can see that they’re always -- they feel very reassured. Because at least now they know that we’re coming to test them, if they are cleared then they can go on with their normal lives again. And all of them will say thank you sir, thank you this, thank you, and they leave. So that’s very reassuring because that means that we’re helping and we’re reaching out to the group that needs help, and to me that is gratitude by itself.

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