What can cause a constant pinching sensation and sensitivity to garments at the urethra/ penis tip?

Doctor's Answer

The urinary meatus is essentially the opening of the urethra. What this means is that it is the point where urine exits the urethra in males and in females. It is also the point where semen exits the urethra in males.

The meatus is located on the glans of the penis or in the vulval vestibule. Some doctors would refer to it as the external urethral orifice. It presents as a vertical slit and continues longitudinally along the front aspect of the glans.

The meatus can have varying degrees of sensitivity to touch. It can be sensitive to touch as the epithelial tissue is different from tissues of the skin in the surrounding region. For most people, the meatus is a sensitive part of the reproductive system.

In some males, the opening may be more rounded. This can occur naturally or may also occur as a side effect of excessive skin removal during circumcision. Meatal stenosus is a late complication of circumcision, which occurs in about 10–20 percent of newborn circumcised boys after the loss of the protection of the foreskin. What has been noticed is that meatal stenosis is almost always seen in males who have been circumcised. It is rare for uncircumcised males to have meatal stenosis.

Other possible causes of meatal stenosis include: inflammation or injury that results from a baby’s penis rubbing against a diaper or the baby’s own skin after circumcision; a diaper containing the build up of crystals of uric acid and ammonia found in urine.

Long-term use of urinary catheters (tubes to drain urine) can also predispose a person to developing meatal stenosis.

The symptoms of meatal stenosis occur consequent to urine flow becoming partly blocked.

Urethritis is the inflammation and swelling of the urethra. It leads to difficulty or pain when urinating. Urethritis is usually caused by bacteria or a virus. A chemical irritant can also trigger it. It is different from a urinary tract infection (UTI), which usually affects the whole of the urinary tract. It can be transmitted through unprotected sex. If a woman has a vaginal infection, she can pass it on to a male partner.

Males with urethritis may experience one or more of the following symptoms: burning sensation while urinating, itching or burning near the opening of the penis, presence of blood in the semen or urine, discharge from the penis.

If you have persistent discomfort, it will be important to obtain a proper medical opinion as many infections can be easily and effectively treated.

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