What are the treatment options to correct short-sightedness of more than 1000 degrees?

Doctor's Answer

Photo of Dr Daphne Han
Dr Daphne Han


High myopia can indeed be quite a burden when unaided vision is very poor, which results in heavy reliance on visual aid. This can limit some activities.

To safely improve your unaided vision, there are several options:


It is still possible to consider LASIK, provided your cornea measurements allow it.

Although the results of treatment for LASIK for high myopia may not be as satisfactory as for low myopia due to:

  • higher chance of dry eyes,
  • possible induced higher order aberrations and
  • higher chance of post-LASIK regression

A significant number of high myopia sufferers are still able to obtain good results.

I often recommend adding cross-linking (LASIK-EXTRA) to such cases to reduce the chance of regression (myopia returning) as these cases are less likely to be eligible for further enhancement via LASIK.

2) Implantable contact lens (ICL)

The phakic intraocular lens (which means lens implantation without removing your natural lens) by Staar Visian ICL, made of biocompatible materia works well for correction of high power of myopia +/- astigmatism.

Again, certain criteria in eye measurements need to be met for safety. As the cornea is practically intact (bar a small sub 3mm incision through which the lens is implanted), there is minimal side effects like dry eyes.

The current ICL has a tiny hole or port in the center of the lens to improve fluid flow within the eye, and in my experience is far safer for the eye compared to previous generation of the ICL. However, beyond close to 1800 myopia or less when there is also astigmatism, ICL alone is not sufficient.

3) Bioptics

This is a term describing combining a lens implant technique with LASIK or its alternatives like SMILE or surface ablation.

For above 1800 myopia the only possibility is combining the ICL treatment with additional laser correction. This comes with the combined pros and cons of both ICL and LASIK procedures.

You must have found out that SMILE currently only treats up to 1000 deg of myopia. It is being used experimentally to treat higher than 1000 deg myopia, but is not commercially released for this yet.

Also a gentle reminder that high myopia comes with slightly higher risk of other eye problems like glaucoma, cataract and retina tears, hence do take a long term view as well in looking after your eyes.

I wish you all the best in finding a solution to your high refractive error. Cheerio!

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