What are the challenges you faced at the COVID-19 quarantine zones (aside from the heat), maybe on the personal or mental level?

Doctor's Answer

I think the challenge would be the different locations, like what Fay had said. We do government quarantine facilities, which are mainly chalets, hotels. And then we’ve also gone into the factory-converted dorms, which are all construction sites. So they both pose a different (set of) challenges, and we only know what we’re up against when we reach there in the morning before we set up. Sometimes there are some chalets --- when we go we don’t even have an area to do proper swabs and do the packing. We have to just get plastic chairs, set up booths, it could be under the hot sun. Or if you go to a dorm, we have to find the right area, where to swab.

Because we have to keep it in an open area, we don’t want people to be breathing droplets all over the place. So I think that’s a big challenge for us. We are very well-prepared, we have briefings every day before we go out. So in terms of our own personal gear, what to expect and all that, we know what to do but it’s just that when we hit the ground, suddenly you have to make up your mind what to do, where to do it, and you have to do it fast because the workers have all started to queue up and you got to clear them. So that’s the biggest challenge.

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