How does Vanquish Me compare with Coolsculpting for the lower body?

Doctor's Answer

The main concept behind Vanquish ME and CoolSculpting is quite similar -- their technology is used to destroy fat cells so that they can be eliminated from the body system. The difference between the two lies in the type of technology used.

Vanquish ME uses focused-field radiofrequency technology to heat up fat tissue to a point in which fat cells experience apoptosis (cell death). This way, fat is targeted selectively and disrupted efficiently.

CoolSculpting destroys fat cells by freezing them (cryolipolysis). The device is left on one area for about an hour while it performs suction and is then moved to another area of concern. It is FDA-approved to treat certain areas of the body:

  • under the chin
  • jawline bulging area
  • thighs
  • abdomen and flanks
  • back
  • buttocks
  • upper arms

While these 2 treatments target for fat cells destruction, there are pros and cons between both.

  1. Vanquish ME treats a large area at a time, so the entire concerned area, for example, the inner and outer thighs, can be treated in 1 treatment. CoolSculpting, on the other hand, would be more effective if the intention is to treat each of these areas separately.
  2. Vanquish ME is known for providing a more general reduction, while CoolSculpting is best at targeting stubborn areas.

There is no one perfect treatment that fits all. For one who has lost almost 30kg and 14cm waist circumference myself, I believe in treatment combinations. My past experience from weight loss showed me the hard truth on reducing fat from the stubborn areas, specifically the flanks, love handles and lower abdomen. Through my medical aesthetic experience, a myriad of technologies exists – radiofrequency, ultrasound, LLLT, electromagnetic – but my all-time favourite has to be cryolipolysis.

Please discuss with your physician for the best treatment combination.

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