What are the treatments available for combination of rosacea, acne scars (rolling and boxcar) and visible pores? How many treatments are usually required?

Doctor's Answer

An excellent treatment option for a combination of rosacea, acne scars and visible pores will be combination of subcision and rejuran.

Subcision lifts the depressed rolling and boxed scars by releasing the scar bands which tether and depress the skin. In addition, by injecting Rejuran into the skin, this delivers polynucleotides, DNA and RNA into the skin cells, stimulating and accelerating cell repair, and regeneration of new cells from deep within the skin. Thus strengthening and thickening the skin structure, improving the appearance and reducing the depth of acne scars. The DNA introduced repairs the skin from deep within.

Additionally, it also reverses the process of aging and restores youthfulness to your facial appearance and complexion.


1) Lift and improve acne scars especially rolling and box scars

2) Repairs the skin and reduces the abnormal blood vessels resulting in reduced flushing, less sensitive skin and enhanced skin hydration to improve rosacea.

3) Reduces pore size

4) Healthy, supple, smooth skin

5) Enhances elasticity, reduced fine lines and wrinkles

6) Recovery of skin balance

7) Hydrated and moisturised skin texture

8) Visibly fairer skin

9) Improved oil balance

Minimal downtime, hypoallergic, safe and effective treatment.

Generally, 4 sessions are performed, one month apart.

Another option is Sylfirm, a Silicon Valley technology which is an ultrapulsed microneedling fractional radiofrequency device suitable for rosacea, pore size reduction and improvement in acne scars. Treats these concerns by remodelling the basement membrane and dermal collagen regeneration and the reduction of abnormal blood vessels.

Minimal downtime, safe, effective.

4-6 sessions are required.

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