How to speed up the process of eczema healing on the leg? (photo)

Doctor's Answer

Thank you for the question.

The following steps can help to speed up the healing of eczema:

1. Use gentle soap-free cleansers and moisturise the skin regularly

2. Avoid picking and scratching at the rashes

3. Topical steroids creams will be helpful to reduce the redness and inflammation of the skin. Alternatively, there are also some non-steroid creams like topical calcineurin inhibitors that can be applied to reduce the inflammation.

4. Oral or topical antibiotics may be needed if there is a secondary infection.

5. Avoid triggers like heat and sweat and irritants.

If your rash is not better, it is advisable for you to see your doctor or dermatologist for a proper assessment so that the appropriate medications can be prescribed for you.

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