How do laser treatments improve droopy breasts or help with breast enhancement?

Doctor's Answer

Lasers help with treating droopy breasts, but it depends on what type of laser is used. Droopy breasts result naturally from aging due to a change in the size, shape and firmness of breasts. It can be accelerated or more pronounced with breastfeeding, post-pregnancy, or after losing some weight. This is because with a reduction in breast volume, breast skin and ligaments that were stretched do not contract back as much due to a loss in elasticity.

Laser treatments are able to tighten skin over and around the breast, as well as strengthen breast tissue and ligaments. However, rejuvenation lasers that commonly help with facial brightening are unable to achieve such effects, as this requires lasers which not only tighten deeper skin layers but also the tissue beneath. The Intima Breast Lift treatment that we use at our clinic is a combination of non-ablative lasers that penetrate all the way down to deeper ligaments supporting breast tissue, as thermal heating is induced in a controlled way to stimulate collagen production at a superficial and deep level. This procedure involves minimal downtime and discomfort when done with the correct technique, where daily activities can be resumed almost immediately, and is suitable for individuals with mild to moderate symptoms of breast sagging.

When you tighten and lift breast tissue with laser treatments, mild volumization can be observed, akin to the concept of wearing a pushup bra. Laser treatments do not, however, help with increasing total breast volume. Other than undergoing a surgical mastopexy with augmentation to achieve dramatic tightening and volumization of droopy breasts, there is limited evidence for oral supplements and topical creams to achieve similar results. As with most surgical procedures, recovery time and the risk of scarring at incision sites are increased.

Do schedule a consult and examination with your doctor, and after considering factors such as the extent of drooping, breast size, and your skin quality, your doctor can advise if you are suitable to undergo laser breast rejuvenation treatments. Hope this helps!

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