Is Epi-LASIK or LASIK better if I have a history of corneal abrasion due to contact lens wear?

Doctor's Answer

This is an excellent question. It seems like you may be suffering from a known complication following trauma to the eye, specifically the window of the eye known as the cornea. Occasionally, the surface of the cornea may become fragile and prone to spontaneous abrasion or the medical term used is recurrent corneal erosion.

In this particular situation, advanced surface ablation may help to stabilise the cornea to prevent further spontaneous abrasion. Strictly speaking, the term used for treatment in this situation is called photo-therapeutic keratectomy (PTK). Both epi-LASIK and LASIK are primarily considered to be refractive surgery. Though epi-LASIK and PTK have many similarities in terms of benefits, risks and gradual process of recovery.

A limitation to having PTK or epi-LASIK in your case may be the level of myopia, which is considered high. Epi-LASIK is an excellent option in low to moderate levels of myopia. The concern with high myopes undergoing epi-LASIK is the associated increased risk of corneal haze and inflammation. These complications may result in sub-optimal refractive results by way of regression and blurring of vision.

You would be best served by undergoing a thorough eye evaluation to ascertain your suitability for any form of refractive surgery. Ensure your surgeon is willing and able to offer you the entire range of surgical options. That way, the advice can be customised to your eyes and overall aims.

I wish all the success in your search for spectacles independence.

Dr David Chan

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