If I injured my nose after a nose job, do I need to see my nose surgeon again?

Doctor's Answer

Thanks for your question.

You should definitely check in with your surgeon if you have any of the following or do not feel well:

  1. Deviation of Nose

  2. Hump deformity

  3. Bleeding from the nose

  4. Swelling of the nose

  5. Difficulty Breathing

  6. Persistent Pain

Depending on the impact and force of the injury, your nose may change after the injury and if that’s the case, you should certainly check in with your surgeon early to see if there is a nasal fracture or bruising. It is common to bump the nose after surgery and minor injuries without any of the red flags mentioned above could be observed. You should update your surgeon or the nurse manager if you have any other queries. They would certainly be able to advise you or bring forward your review.

Hope this helps to answer your question. Have a great week ahead!

Dr. Terence Goh | AZATACA Plastic Surgery

Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital

Mount Elizabeth Orchard Hospital

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