How does TESLA Former sculpt the body by building muscles?

Doctor's Answer

The Tesla chair is based on the idea of magnetic stimulation and is able to give up to 50,000 currents in one session. This is equivalent to 50,000 kegel sit-ups or exercise. This amount is not humanly achievable under normal circumstances.

The beauty of this chair is that it has various programmes. This means that we can set the chair to target different concerns for each and every user. The chair can help with erectile dysfunction as well as urinary incontinence. After a certain age, both men or women will experience urine leakage caused by urinary incontinence. I have come across a lady who had to wear a sanitary pad even on days she does not have her period.

UI can be an embarrassing social issue that only a small amount of people are willing to discuss openly. The Tesla chair is able to help these people in about 6 sessions. Besides that, it is also able to enhance men's performance during sex.

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