How can I remove dark eye circles in Singapore?

Doctor's Answer

Thank you for your question. The causes of dark eye circle can be divided into 3 points as my esteemed colleagues have mentioned.

Treating the cause:

Conservative measures include lifestyle changes.

  1. Adequate sleep and taking less coffee and alcohol,
  2. Not rubbing the area around the eyes,
  3. Cut down on smoking, and sun exposure.

More active measures for removal include

  1. Sunprotection – Here I cant stress enough the T.C.S principle. Time, cover and shade. Time: The sun is strongest between 10am to 4pm so please use stay indoors if you can. Cover: Use your brolly, sunglasses whenever you head out for lunch. Sunscreen: Generous use of sunscreen will complete the picture.
  2. Use of lightening products that contain hydroquinone and Vit C. Hydroquinone is the gold standard for lightening, and found in medical grade clinics only.
  3. Dermatological procedures for example, pigment lasers and undereye fillers.

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