How can a runner with flat feet prevent injuries?

Doctor's Answer

Thank you for the question, and its certainly one that many people do ask!

Firstly, do you have any injuries currently?

Flat feet or low arches are common around the world and particularly so here in South East Asia. In itself it is not a problem, although people commonly describe it as the root cause of all running problems.

Usually, issues arise (amongst others) from:

1. Your training volume

2. Insufficient recovery

3. Strength deficiencies

4. Metabolic issues

5. Running gait

Lets take an example where someone who has not run for some time, suddenly decides that they are going to train for a 1/2 marathon.

In this situation, they should gradually build up distances, put in some work in the gym to strengthen themselves and look at a running program to achieve their goals. Simply running is unlikely to get them ready.

I would recommend you look at the other factors mentioned, rather than trying to attribute it solely to your flat feet.

If you haven't developed symptoms so far from regular running, its unlikely to be the root cause, and some of the other issues will be the underlying factors.

Hope this helps.


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