For a lower back injury causing pain that radiates down my buttocks and right leg, what treatment options can help to completely relief my symptoms?

Doctor's Answer

Hi there,

From what you describe, it sounds like you have sciatica - which is basically pain along the sciatic nerve at the back of your leg. This can be due to a problem in the back or from an injury or irritation of the nerve in the leg itself.

The first thing to do is to get this assessed, particularly if you are experiencing "red flag" symptoms. A Sports/MSK physician or physiotherapist can assess your back and determine where the pain might be coming from. They can then arrange appropriate investigations, such as an X-ray or MRI of the spine, before offering you treatments such as strengthening of the back, traction, massage, acupuncture, facet or nerve root injection and so on.

Sometimes, you may require surgical intervention if the condition is not improving or if you have the "red flag" symptoms.


Dr Dinesh

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