Can ReLEx SMILE cause glaucoma?

Doctor's Answer

in itself, it is almost impossible for ReLEx SMILE to cause glaucoma.

Glaucoma means optic nerve damage, associated with an eye pressure that is too high to be tolerated by that particular nerve.

For the damage to occur, the pressure must be too high for a substantial period of time.

The SMILE operation does not affect the plumbing of the eye (fluid flows in and out of the eye), and any induction of higher pressures than normal is very short duration during the procedure itself.

If there is high eye pressure after ReLEx SMILE, it would most likely be related to steroid drop usage rather than the operation. Having said that, most people have no problems using steroid eyedrops for 1-2 weeks.

So it is not likely that your blurred vision, starburst glares and halos are due to glaucoma. Glaucoma is diagnosed by looking at several parameters, the most important being the eye pressure, optic disc/nerve appearance, retinal nerve fibre layer thickness (from OCT scanning) and visual field testing.

It is much more likely that your symptoms are due to issues with the corneal shape (topography) or cap interface.

I would advise you to go back and speak with your doctor about your concerns. This is because your concerns about glaucoma, and your visual problems, can only be fully addressed with a clinic consult and the relevant testing. If your doctor cannot fully explain why your vision is blurred and you are having starburst glare and halos, then you may want to consider getting a second opinion.

Best wishes.

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