Can ReLEx SMILE cause glaucoma?

Doctor's Answer

Photo of Dr Daphne Han
Dr Daphne Han


Glaucoma is a disease of the eye nerve and usually caused by eye pressure that is higher than what the eye nerve can withstand. There is a large genetic component for glaucoma. Glaucoma is diagnosed by at least 3 tests: (1) eye pressure (2) visual field, which is the area that your can see, tested one eye at a time (3) examination of the optic nerve head, which is the part of the eye nerve that can be damaged from elevated eye pressure.

Glaucoma is subdivided into a few types, and the eye pressure may not necessarily be elevated in glaucoma. So, the details are not so straightforward.

It is highly unlikely that SMILE itself causes glaucoma, as the procedure is usually very quick, and any pressure exerted on the eye during laser application is transient. In fact the Zeiss Visumax laser is one of the gentlest femtosecond laser around at the moment.

However, most patients need to have steroid eyedrops for about 2 weeks post-SMILE, and patients who are sensitive to these eyedrops may get elevated eye pressure, especially if steroid treatment is prolonged, for whatever reason.

So it will be wise to have a thorough check if you are worried.

I also hope you managed to discuss your vocational aspirations with your SMILE surgeon before the operation.

Best wishes there! Cheerio!

Dr Daphne

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