Can facial hair and chin hair be permanently removed?

Doctor's Answer


Thank you for your question. Removal of stubborn hair by shaving can be a time-consuming and frustrating affair.

Currently, the two most popular methods of hair removal are Laser Hair Removal and IPL.

Laser and IPL hair removal both work on the same principle. Light energy is absorbed by melanin found in the hair shaft. The heat is conducted from the hair shaft to the hair follicle / root, damaging it and thereby reducing / preventing hair growth.

Here is a short summary of how they compare over certain key areas:


IPL Hair Removal


Medical grade lasers emit 1 single wavelength of light.
More precise and penetrate deeper than IPL.

Uses a high output flash lamp to produce pulses of broad-spectrum visible light.
Less focused than lasers, resulting in less energy being transferred to the hair follicle.


6-10 sessions.

10-20 sessions. More sessions are required than lasers due to the lower amount of energy delivered each session.


Less painful than IPL. Some models are virtually painless.

More uncomfortable than lasers. Feels like “rubber band flicking on the skin”.
Patients with darker skin tone may experience greater discomfort.

Treatment Duration

Lasers fire in a fraction of a second, hence treatment of large body surfaces such as chest / back / arms and legs will require a shorter duration than IPL.

IPL machines have larger spot size compared to lasers, allowing them to treat larger sections each time.


Laser, being more precise, can safely reach its target without damaging surrounding skin.
Safe for all skin types.

Higher energy settings may be required for deeper penetration to achieve good results.
Risk of hyperpigmentation, burns, and blisters.
Not recommended for darker skin types.


Per session, laser typically costs more than IPL. However, results are longer lasting, seen more quickly, and a smaller number of sessions is typically required.

IPL is offered by numerous beauty salons and can be very affordable.

In summary, both hair reduction methods are great choices. If you desire quick, safe and long-lasting results, laser hair removal may be a better option!

Hope this helps,
Dr Edwin Lim


1) Laser hair removal: a review.

2) Laser and intense pulsed light hair removal technologies: from professional to home use.

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