What treatment methods are there for my swollen ball of foot?

Doctor's Answer

Your mom’s description sounds typical of Metatarsalgia, a fairly common condition affecting the weight-bearing bones in your foot (the metatarsals).

It’s more common in older people and obese people, and is exacerbated by running/walking/standing – ie any weight-bearing activity.

The most common causes of metatarsalgia are:

  1. Arthritis (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis)
  2. Poor footwear
  3. High impact physical activity (ie running and other activities which place additional stress on the foot)

Gout is also a possibility (this usually affects the big toe), but seems less likely given that this is a very painful condition.

Taking an anti-inflammatory painkiller (NSAID) like ibuprofen will help with the swelling. NSAIDs are also available in topical gel form from your pharmacist (eg. Fastum gel).

Other measures she could try are:

  1. Icing (wrap an ice pack in a towel, use for 20 minutes a few time a day)
  2. Rest and elevation of the foot
  3. Proper footwear (not tight-fitting, high heels etc). Consider seeing a podiatrist for insoles, if necessary.

If these measures don’t work to improve the swelling/pain, and her condition doesn’t get better after a week or 2, do consider seeing a doctor for a proper physical exam and treatment, which may include a steroid injection for more rapid relief.


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