What supplements should not be taken with heart medication?

Doctor's Answer

Well, it depends on the type of medication you are taking. In general, most medication is ok with heart medications but there are some specific ones we look out for.

For example, if you are taking nitrates, isosorbide dinitrate, or even a Glyceryl trinitrate spray, then try not to take things like Viagra, because they enhance the vasodilation effect and can cause your blood pressure to rise to a life-threatening level.

Other things could be dependant on whether you are taking blood thinners. Let's say you have a stent implanted then you have two blood thinners already. Some patients if they are pre-existing on another blood thinner, for example, Warfarin and equivalent or the more normal agents like rivaroxaban for pre-existing disease, then they are more prone to bleeding and are on three blood thinners.

These types of things, we as specialists will decide which should be continued and whether we need to adjust the medication in terms of the duration or dosage or switching to another class of drugs.

Other things in special situations whereby, for example, you are on chemotherapy drugs, I mean a lot of drugs can cause liver diminishment or liver enzyme inducers or inhibitors. There are certain drugs in cardiology that theoretically uses the same pathway in terms of the enzymes, so it can sometimes affect the metabolism of the drugs, in terms of `either making the action more prolonged or reducing the effect of medication.

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