What kind of work goes into ensuring that the COVID-19 quarantine zones are kept in line?

Doctor's Answer

Firstly, what’s important is actually, we want to test the foreign workers but at the same time, we have to ensure our own protection. So the number one thing we have to be aware (of), (is that) we cannot take it lightly. We cannot take it that “Oh, it’s okay it’s not going to happen to us”. There’s been testing (of) samples, random sampling of cases but in fact these random sampling of cases, there are positive cases. So number one we need to have a very good attitude, we have to have a very strong belief that we have to do this right, we have to do this properly for the good of ourselves and for families. If not our families -- actually, most of our families are actually worried that we’re all doing this. They all say “why must we do this”, you know? So we have to reassure our family, reassure our spouses, and our parents that Q&M has provided the right protection, the right gear for us to go in, and we look out for each other. That’s what’s important.

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