What is the best treatment for a receding hairline in females?

Doctor's Answer

The best treatment for receding hairline/female pattern hair loss (FPHL) for women in Singapore are:

1. Regenera Activa - a minimally invasive regenerative medical treatment to strengthen your hair using micro-grafts extracted from your own scalp.

Price of Regenera Activa treatment in Singapore: from $3500/session.

2. FUE Hair Transplant to correct the hairline to harmonize with your facial features.

Price of FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant in Singapore: $5-8/graft.

3. Hair Strengthening Supplements like Viviscal Professional.

Price of Viviscal Professional: from $50-$120 for 1 month supply.

4. Low Level Laser Therapy eg iGrow home device

Price of iGrow home device in Singapore: from $1000 with 1 year warranty.

As hair loss is a niche field, you should choose an aesthetic doctor or dermatologist who specialises in hair loss treatments. This is ensure accurate diagnosis of your hair loss.

Accurate diagnosis means accurate treatments, which will give you good results.

Speaking of the importance of accurate diagnosis, NOT all hair loss in ladies is due to female pattern hair loss.

Other common causes of hair loss in women include:

1. Traction alopecia - Hair loss could be due to excessively tight ponytails causing hair follicles to be damaged.

2. Telogen Effluvium - typically occurs due to stress.

The best option would be to visit a doctor familiar with diagnosing hair loss conditions.

An accurate diagnosis is established by a thorough clinical history, scalp examination including high magnification hair imaging and blood tests.

Once the diagnosis is established, an accurate treatment plan can be formulated to stop further hair loss and regrow fine and thin hairs.

I hope this helps!

Warmest Regards,

Dr Justin Boey

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