What can I do about the sensation of invisible bugs crawling under my skin?

Doctor's Answer

Hi Hippy – go to see your GP as soon as possible to find out the cause and treatment.

Broadly, the 3 causes of the bug crawling sensation you’ve described can be due to:

1. You actually do have a skin infestation.

Bed bugs are a common cause of skin infestations, usually spread by beddings. I’d suspect this, especially if other family members who live with you/visit also suffer from similar symptoms.

Other skin infections like scabies and tics (if you have pets) are also possible.

2. Formication (the sensation of crawling insects)

The sensation of crawling insects (without actually there being insects) on your skin is called formication.

Formication is a tactile hallucination, with the word derived from Latin – “formicare” meaning to creep like an ant.

The most common cause of this is severe alcohol withdrawal. This is a concerning symptom in patients as it’s associated with deadly seizures.

Formication can also be a manifestation of some psychiatric illnesses. Given the troubles/lack of sleep/stress you’ve been experiencing, it’s important for your doctor to assess your mental state and mental health as well.

Formication is also a known side effect of certain medications, substance abuse, and nervous system disorders such as diabetic neuropathy and diseases of the spinal cord/peripheral nerves.

3. You have some other medical condition which causes skin itching

Common causes include dry skin, thyroid problems and liver problems.

Hence, my advise for you to visit a doctor ASAP.


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