What can cause glucose, protein and blood to be found in urine?

Doctor's Answer

Glucose in the urine (also known as glycosuria) is associated with diabetes. I would highly recommend doing a fasting blood glucose to screen for diabetes should there be glucose in the urine.

Protein in the urine (also known as proteinuria) can be a sign of nephrotic syndrome, or an early sign of kidney disease. You may be more at risk for having it if you have one or more of the risk factors for kidney disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure or a family history of kidney disease.

Blood in the urine (also known as hematuria) can be seen by the naked eye (or what we call macroscopic hematuria) or detected only by laboratory tests (or microscopic hematuria). The common causes include urinary tract infections, urinary tract stones and cancers of the urinary tract.

A combination of both proteinuria and hematuria is more likely to point to a problem in the kidney eg. glomerulonephritis.

I hope this helps to give you some insight. Do speak to your doctor if you have further questions on this.

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