What are the different types of heart specialists in Singapore?

Doctor's Answer

Yes, there are heart specialists with different areas of subspecialties. This means that each one of us have areas within cardiology that we have received deeper training in. Some are trained in doing procedures like stenting, some in advanced cardiac imaging, some in advanced heart failure and yet others in complex rhythms of the heart. Just like in all other aspects of medicine, including Oncology, Surgery or Ophthalmology, no one doctor can profess to be an expert in every aspect of Cardiology.

You will be comforted to know that all cardiologists are well-trained to manage most of the cardiology conditions. All of us will be able to take care of patients with General Cardiac Conditions such as Coronary Artery Disease (blocked arteries), Mild Heart Failure, Common heart rhythm problems, Valve diseases. If a particular area of expertise is required, we will then involve our fellow colleagues who will have the necessary skills to help further manage your condition. For example, if coronary angioplasty procedure was required, an interventional cardiologists can be engaged to perform the procedure; or if advanced heart failure was diagnosed, a heart failure cardiologist will be involved; or if advanced imaging like a transesophageal echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart via the esophagus) was needed, an echocardiologist will be consulted.

If you do not know what heart condition you are suffering from, you can be assured that you can attend any cardiologist whom you trust, and that he or she will be trained to manage your condition, and will engage the help of our colleagues if necessary.

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