What are the best methods to camouflage white patches of skin and depigmentation due to vitiligo?

Doctor's Answer

White patches can appear on the skin for multiple reasons, and not just because of Vitiligo. Most commonly, it can be caused by fungal infections like Pityriasis Alba and Tinea Versicolor. We see these white patches on the faces of children, and it can also appear on the affected body parts in adults and teenagers. With Tinea Versicolor, the white patches can be accompanied by symptoms such as itching and scaling. Fungal microorganisms such as Malassezia furfur can be isolated.

As with most medical conditions, the strategy is to treat the cause and not to cover up the white patches. A course of oral or topical antifungals should sort it out.

Other common causes of white patches include Poikiloderma as a result of chronic sun damage. Areas of hyperpigmentation mixed with areas of white spots, presumably from the permanent damage of pigment-producing stem cells in the skin called Melanocytes. Don’t let it get to this stage. USE YOUR SUNSCREEN and avoid sun damage. Use antioxidants on the skin such as Vitamin C or CoQ10--although it’s not completely proven by medical science. Other oral antioxidants include Crystal Tomato™ and HelioCare™. Some have some clinical trials completed. I sometimes try to even out the skin tone somewhat with rejuvenation and laser toning.

Finally, Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition. It affects about 1% of the population, evenly distributed between males and females. It may be precipitated by injury or sunburn. If you suspect that you have this condition, you should see your doctor. Although most cases are static, some more aggressive cases will need steroid treatment and specialist care. In this situation, since there is no cure, your doctor will advise camouflage cosmetics and there are skin units in the hospitals where nurses are trained to do that. There is also a medical skin tattoo service in good dermatology units where applicable.

The bottom line is that your skin is the largest organ in your body. And the most visible. We should take good care of our skin and protect it.

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