What conditions could cause stomach pains that result in body numbness and feeling cold when standing up?

Doctor's Answer

Photo of Dr Wai Leong Quan
Dr Wai Leong Quan


There are many causes for stomachache and most of them are transient and they go away with time or after a simple remedy. As far as I know, there is no direct relationship between a stomachache and those symptoms you listed above.

However, if the numbness and cold feeling you experienced when standing up also makes you feel lightheaded or dizzy, you might have experienced a transient drop in blood pressure.

Transient Drop in Blood Pressure

Many people have experienced such transient blood pressure drop at one point or another. Most people would classify that as "fainting spells".

Why does it happen?

These symptoms are believed to be related to a delayed body reaction to the sudden blood pooling in our lower body— in particular, our legs during standing. In normal circumstances, the body reacts by increasing our heart rate to compensate for the drop in blood pressure. If there is a depletion in your total blood volume, this compensation may not be adequate.

When should you be concerned?

If you have recurrent or persistent stomach pain and also experience symptoms of low blood pressure frequently, do watch out for black stools. It may signify the possibility of a bleeding ulcer in your stomach. This condition requires urgent investigation and management to avoid a massive bleed from occurring.

Dr Quan

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