What are the possible causes of blood in my spit (hemoptysis) in the absence of suspected respiratory tract infections?

Doctor's Answer

Blood in the spit can originate from different sources including:

  1. Nose and sinuses
  2. Mouth and oral cavity (including the teeth, gums and throat region)
  3. Lungs

For each area/part of the above-mentioned anatomy, there are many possible causes ranging from infection, inflammation, trauma, tumour etc. It is not possible to discuss all possible causes of blood in your spit in this Q&A session. However, if this is your only symptom and you do not have any chest symptoms (e.g. difficulty breathing, chest pain when breathing, coloured phlegm etc) you may visit an ENT Specialist for an initial assessment. nasoendoscopy

During a visit, your ENT specialist will take a detailed medical history and perform a complete head and neck examination, which will likely include a nasoendoscopy (nose scope). This involves passing a small scope (lighted tube with a camera attached to it) through your nose to assess your nasal cavity, back of your nose, throat and voice box region. The procedure is done in the clinic under local anaesthesia.

Common ENT causes of blood in the spit include:

  • Infections in the nose
  • Sinuses
  • Trauma
  • Dry nose
  • Gum disease/poor dentition.

Occasionally blood in your spit may be due to a tumour in the nose or throat region. However, it is quite likely that you will have other associated symptoms including:

  • Nasal blockage, blocked ears neck lumps for nose tumours
  • Sore throat, hoarse voice, difficulty swallowing for throat cancers

If no ENT cause is found, your ENT specialist may refer you to a Lung Specialist to exclude a lung condition.

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