Is this a maturing hairline or male pattern baldness?

Doctor's Answer

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In male-pattern hair loss, also know as androgentic alopecia, there is progressive thinning of the hair over the frontal hairline and vertex (top) of the scalp. In male-pattern hair loss, the hair becomes increasingly finer and fewer with time.

In some individuals, the thinning mainly affects the frontal hairline. In others, it affects mainly the vertex without much frontal recession. In many cases though, there is a combination of both frontal and vertex involvement.

A proper examination to see the pattern of involvement and the presence of miniaturized hairs can help to make the diagnosis of male pattern hair loss.

It is difficult to determine accurately from the photo if you have early-onset male pattern hair loss. You may wish to see your doctor or dermatologist for a close-up examination for an accurate diagnosis.

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