Is there a limit to how much volume/ccs of breast implant we can request?

Doctor's Answer

There is no limitation, because like I mentioned, when it comes to breast implants, it really depends on what you buy off the shelf.

But in practice, of course, there are certain sizes that are more ideal that suit your frame, your height, your breasts, like whether you have sufficient tissue to contain this volume.

In short, you can pretty much pick any volume that you want, but it is important that it is an appropriate volume for you. And the truth is that the larger the implant is, the higher the chance of problems and complications.

I have noticed increasingly, patients going for a less operated look. So they not necessarily would want to have such large implants, but rather they want a more natural appearance. There’s also a hybrid technique whereby we put a breast implant in and we also fat graft certain parts of the breast.

We could do complete fat graft or you could also have a smaller size implant, and then fat graft certain parts of the breast to give it a more natural appearance.

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