Is my adams apple damaged?

Doctor's Answer

Thank you for your question. The Adam’s apple is the hard prominence you feel in the front part of your neck and is part of the thyroid cartilage. It is a strong protector of your voicebox and windpipe. It is highly unlikely that your friend would be able to hit you with such a force to cause any permanent damage to your voicebox without you having significant pain, hoarse voice or difficulty with breathing at the time of injury.

Your voice may be slightly hoarse from some mild swelling in the voicebox (which is a very sensitve organ). This usually resolves on its own. If you are worried, you should undergo a nasoendoscopy (relatively painless procedure done in the clinic under local anaesthesia) which can be performed by an ENT Specialist. If your hoarse voice is mild, you can wait for a few weeks for it to resolve on its own. It is important to rest your voicebox during this period (no shouting/prolonged talking or singing etc).

Hope this helps.

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