Is a cholesterol ratio of 5.6 serious?

Doctor's Answer

To know the number of Total cholesterol alone is not adequate. This is because Total cholesterol = bad cholesterol + good cholesterol.
Therefore a high level of Total cholesterol may be due to a high value in bad cholesterol (which is undesirable); or may be due to high level in good cholesterol (which is desirable).

So, the Ratio in dividing Total cholesterol by good cholesterol (ie. Total C/HDL-C), will give a better assessment of a person’s cardiovascular risk.
In general, a Ratio of < 3.5 (some recommend 4.0) is desirable, while ratio of equal or > 3.5 (some recommend 4.0) is considered a higher than average risk.

Since your ratio is 5.6, this value is definitely undesirable. It usually implies that your LDL-C (bad cholesterol) is high.
If your LDL-C is not high, then your HDL-C (good cholesterol) must be low.
Either of these (high level of bad cholesterol, or low level of good cholesterol) puts you in a more than average risk in cardiovascular disease category.
You should see your family doctor for advice and treatment.

Dr Chee TS

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