How much does a two-implant overdenture cost in Singapore?

Doctor's Answer

Firstly, yes, there are many dental clinics that do offer implant-retained and implant-supported dentures. In general, with only two implants, the denture would be more accurately termed implant-retained, and whether or not this is sufficient in the lower jaw really depends on the how much bone ridge there’s left, the shape of the bone ridge and many other factors. Lower full dentures (which I’m assuming is what you’re asking about) can unfortunately often be challenging to treat.

Secondly, again, most dentists would hesitate to give a cost estimate in a situation with so many factors. This is as theres no one size fits all solution: what’s the complexity of the case, is there a bone graft needed, what sort of implant system is preferred and so on. Also, cost is always a concern but quality and longevity should be a bigger one. The dentist’s experience level of course also plays a part.

To give you a starting point though, I’d refer you to MOH’s published fee guidelines:

Full dentures: $600 - $1143 per arch

Implant with crown: $3099 - $5337 each

Hope that helps, but I will recommend seeing a trusted dentist for a better opinion.

Best regards,

Dr JD Tan

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