How effective is the Fotona laser for mild acne scarring, and what advantages does it have over other treatments? (photo)

Doctor's Answer

A multimodal approach is often needed to remove acne scars. These can include:

  1. subcision
  3. and punch excision with microsurgery apart from laser treatments

Acne scars can be depressed or raised, with or without discoloration.

Examples of depressed scars are ice pick scars, box scars and rolling scars.

Raised scars are called hypertrophic or keloid scars, which result from an overproduction of collagen. Sometimes, a red or brown discoloration remains after acne has healed, and these are called post-inflammatory erythema (red) and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (brown). Because they come in so many different forms, they normally require a unique combination for every individual.

Looking at laser treatments alone, Fotona has a platform which offers a variety of lasers that improves acne scarring. Several of these are listed below:

  1. Fractional Pico Starwalker
  2. Fractional SP Dynamis Erbium:Yag (Erbium:Yag is the gold standard for facial skin ablation)
  3. Fractional SP Dynamis SMOOTH non-ablative rejuvenation
  4. Starwalker Picosecond NdYAG laser for brown acne scars
  5. Starwalker and Dynamis FRAC3 NdYAG laser for acne treatment and prevention
  6. Dynamis/Starwalker VERSA3 Long pulse NdYAG to treat red marks

Different lasers can be used in one session to optimize results – Fotona has a complete range which is very useful. However, the right expertise is needed to use them in combination.

To fully understand what treatments are suitable for your individual condition, it will be advisable to schedule a consult with your doctor and explore your specific treatment options. Hope this was useful!

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