How do TCM physicians go about creating a treatment plan for a patient?

Doctor's Answer

When a patient visits a TCM physician for treatment, the TCM physician would start diagnosing the patient just like a Western doctor.

We would listen to the symptoms affecting you and examine you for signs such as complexion, movement of your body, tongue and pulse. Once sufficient information is gathered, we would assess the patient’s situation in its entire context to get a more holistic understanding of your condition.

TCM physicians use a set of diagnostic principles to identify the imbalance in the patient’s body. This imbalance typically manifests itself through the symptoms and signs displayed by the patient. This process is known as Dialectics of Chinese Medicine (中医辩证).

A well-trained TCM physician would be able to recognise the pattern symptoms displayed by the patient and make a diagnosis. After a diagnosis is made, the TCM physician will work with you to resolve the imbalance.

The basic guiding treatment principle is to harmonise the patient’s yin and yang, by removing what is excessive and replenishing what is deficient.

The focus is always placed on the patient rather than the disease, thus a TCM treatment plan is highly personalised — taking account into not only your medical condition but also your lifestyle, working environment, diet and more.

Your TCM physician might use combination of treatment methods such as meridian massage (经络推拿), cupping (拔罐), skin scraping (刮痧),acupuncture (针灸), Chinese herbal medication (中药),lifestyle counselling and patient education in your treatment plan to promote healing and restoration of your well-being.

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