How do I get rid of a persistent blocked nose?

Doctor's Answer

If you have been diagnosed with acute sinusitis (bacterial infection of the sinuses) and bronchitis (inflammation of the lungs), you will need to be treated with a course of oral antibiotics, nasal wash with salt solutions and nasal steroid sprays. It may take up to 2-3 weeks for an acute sinusitis to resolve completely.

I would suggest visiting an ENT Specialist for an assessment. It is quite likely that a nasoendoscopy will be required. This involves passing a small scope through the nose under local anaesthesia to look for signs of sinusitis.

Other common cause of a persistently blocked nose include a deviated nasal septum (crooked wall that separates the nose into a right and left sides) and a swollen or enlarged inferior turbinates (sausage-like bony structure at the side walls of the nose that can swell up from exposure to things that you are sensitive to).

These conditions can be detected on a nasoendoscopy and the appropriate treatments can be recommended to relieve your nasal blockage.

Hope this helps and all the best!

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