How do fillers cause blindness?

Doctor's Answer

When we inject fillers, in unlikely cases, the filler is injected into the bloodstream and affects blood flow to the eye.

The eye will have no blood and no oxygen, so the eye will go blind. Which is why it's important that we as physicians know our anatomy well and to avoid certain areas that we are not supposed to go into, but understanding anatomy is one.

And secondly, usually, for areas that are more dangerous, we use what we call a cannula, which is a blunt needle instead of a sharp needle.

So if it's a blunt needle it is less likely we inject directly into the bloodstream. Of course in the extremely unlikely event and it happens, we will use an antidote that I mention, to sort of reverse it.

No physicians will want to reach that stage, but of course, these are the things we should have in the clinic and we want to make sure in the event that happens, we will try to reverse it and we will reach out to our fellow ophthalmologist for help.

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