Can pre-exercise screening help prevent heart attacks while exercising?

Doctor's Answer

Thanks for your question and I am sorry to hear about your anxieties. In general exercise is a good preventative measure for many of the risk factors for cardiac disease such as hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia and diabetes. It can help with the onset and limit the impact of these conditions.

If you are concerned about your risk, might I suggest a pre-participation screening (PPS). This involves a thorough medical history, clinical examination and appropriate investigations. You can also discuss your exercise goals with the Sports Physician that you are consulting and they can help to put together an exercise program for you. While a PPS cannot 100% eliminate all risk, it can help identify if there are any existing problems and reasons for not exercising.

Why don't you look into PPS further and perhaps, if you are keen, try this out. It might alleviate some of your anxieties and then allow you to get back to one of the lowest risk treatments for many different health conditions - EXERCISE!!!!!


Dr Dinesh

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