Can I physically feel if I have droopy eyelids?

Doctor's Answer

Photo of Dr Samuel Ho
Dr Samuel Ho

Plastic Surgeon

No. This is not something that you can feel, it’s not a traditional muscle tear or injury. Let’s say you go to a gym or doing sports, you know when you have torn your muscle because it gets very painful, ptosis is not like that, you do not have or feel a sudden acute pain, you do not feel anything snap, it’s not this sudden event but more like a cumulative injury to the tendon. So it may be many years of eye rubbing or many years contact lens wear, things like that, it’s not an acute event. Do not think of it like you are playing sports and suddenly you have a tear, and your eye droops down, that is more unusual. We do get that occasionally from acute trauma where they might have an eye injury or injury in the eye area, and it tears the muscle but those are very unusual cases.

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