What is the best treatment to close gaps in teeth?

Doctor's Answer

The closing of gaps between teeth depends on wether they are front teeth or back teeth. Also, it depends on the reason for the gaps, extracted teeth, missing teeth or a discrepancy between the size of the teeth and jaws.

The options for missing or extracted teeth include, dentures, dental bridges, implants or orthodontics to pull the teeth together.

For small gaps between front teeth, bonding of tooth coloured fillings between them is an excellent choice. They are cheap, quick to do and there is usually very little trimming of the teeth. However, the results are not very long-term, they may stain more easily and they are not very strong so care has to be taken when biting.

Dental veneers are a more durable, long-term option. Made of porcelain, they are very strong, colour stable and can last for decades. However, the whole treatment will take longer, there will be some trimming of the teeth and they will be more costly.

There is a recorded webinar on Dental Veneers available on this website which you may find informative. https://www.human.com.sg/dental-veneers-dr-kevin-ong

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