Are there any long term cures for eczema?

Doctor's Answer

You may want to read this post about eczema - it's a pretty comprehensive overview about the causes of, and treatment of eczema.

Eczema is due to an overactive immune system that attacks important bits of the skin, leading to inflammation (and rash).

The skin loses its effectiveness as a barrier, resulting in:

  • Water loss
  • Dry skin
  • Itchy sensation

As Dr Colin explained, there are no permanent "cures", however it's very important to be consistent with the treatment that your doctor has prescribed to minimise the chances of recurrence.

The key in any treatment of eczema is really to use lots and lots and lots of moisturizers.

Think of your skin as a piece of clothing, preventing the nasty stuff outside from getting in, and useful stuff inside from getting out.

With eczema, your skin becomes dry and leaky, like a piece of tattered clothing with many holes. As such, it can't retain any water, leading to a vicious cycle of dry skin, itch, more scratching, and more rash.

When you apply moisturizer, it adds an additional layer of protection to your "leaky skin" , while giving it time to repair itself.

Even after the eczema has completely resolved, regular moisturizers is the key to prevent it from recurring.

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