What kinds of immediate post-operation care are given after breast implant surgery?

Doctor's Answer

There’s quite a long list of things you can do.

The first these things is, essentially, you need to be compliant with the instructions that are given by the variant doctors. Usually, for example in my practice, we’ll put on a bra for you.

This is different from the underwire bras that you’d probably have, it is a surgical bra to give the support. And then the patients are given painkillers as well as antibiotics.

The incisions are dressed, so they don’t need to check the incisions until we see them again. At the same time, I encourage the patients to move, especially their arms.

They’re encouraged to not just lie there but to get up and walk. This improves circulation, reduce the risk of swelling. And by moving their arms, it also helps lose stiffness.

That’s pretty much it, for immediate post-op. As I said, you have to take the painkiller and antibiotics. We typically see the patients 1-2 weeks later to change the dressings.

Thereafter, a lot of the pain and swelling would have come down, and the patients can gradually get back to their normal activities.

Thereafter, we focus a lot on scar care. They will be given scar cream and sunblock to ensure that the scar heals well.

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