What are the causes of white mucus with bubbles when I have acid reflux?

Doctor's Answers 2

Photo of Dr Wai Leong Quan
Dr Wai Leong Quan


I assume that the white mucus and bubbles you referred to was found in the sputum after you experienced a bout of acid reflux.

Whenever you experience such an episode, acidic contents from the stomach have reached your oesophagus and sometimes your mouth. As the linings in the esophagus and oral cavity are not meant to withstand acid, our body reacts by producing more secretions to protect its lining.

In some cases, the acid content can cause chest pain known as heartburn or trigger a cough reflex. At other times, it can also induce mild asthmatic attacks.

Depending on the frequency and severity of the acid reflux, you may or may not require treatment. If your problems persist or discomfort gotten worse, do get an assessment with your doctor to see if further investigations or treatment is required.

Dr Quan

Photo of Dr Wai Leong Quan
Dr Wai Leong Quan


I assume that the white mucus and bubbles you referred to was found in the sputum after you experienced a bout of acid reflux.

Whenever you experience such an episode, acidic contents from the stomach have reached your oesophagus and sometimes your mouth. As the linings in the esophagus and oral cavity are not meant to withstand acid, our body reacts by producing more secretions to protect its lining.

In some cases, the acid content can cause chest pain known as heartburn or trigger a cough reflex. At other times, it can also induce mild asthmatic attacks.

Depending on the frequency and severity of the acid reflux, you may or may not require treatment. If your problems persist or discomfort gotten worse, do get an assessment with your doctor to see if further investigations or treatment is required.

Dr Quan

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Photo of Dr Eng Cern Gan

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Thank you for your question. I’m sorry to hear that your mother is suffering from a prolonged and problematic cough which can be a complex condition. Coughing is a reflex that protects your upper airway and lungs from irritants such as excessive mucous and foreign bodies. When persistent, it is often a symptom of a condition, ranging from conditions arising from the nose & sinuses (e. g sensitive nose, sinus infections), lungs (e. g asthma and bronchitis), throat and stomach (e. g. acid reflux from the stomach) to side effects from medications or smoking.

Photo of Dr Eng Cern Gan

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Dr Eng Cern Gan

ENT Doctor

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