Is it more painful to realign your teeth as an adult?

Doctor's Answers 1

I would say it really depends. I wore it as an adult so I can speak from that sense. It really depends. Some days when I go in for the tightening of my braces and I come out and everything seems fine. And other days it can be painful. For me it used to be really odd, I don’t get the pain immediately, I get some tightness but I usually get -- the pain peaks on day two to day three. And then after that, it kind of dwindles down. By the one week mark, I’m back to normal and I can eat everything like normal already. So it’s just that first three to four days? And I used to like eating cold foods, just to soothe my gums and teeth. There’s this achy feeling that you can’t really bite down on food properly. The other thing I would say is that everyone has different pain thresholds, pain is subjective. Like if I were to poke you with something sharp, and if I were to poke the next person, and I give you like a scale from one to ten, chances are both persons would say a different number.

On a scale of one to ten, I think the worst pain was when my molars were moving. If you’re asking if there’s pain, 100% there will be a pain. But how much, you will just have to prepare yourself mentally to know that there will be and you will be able to manage it. And I think another thing is to remember that your dentist is on this journey with you. So whenever you’re having pain or discomfort, wires are poking you or something like that, always contact your dentist and ask them “what can I do about it?” They would have some suggestions that would help you alleviate the pain or at least manage it better. So don’t be shy to ask them anything.

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