11 Questions answered

Why do dentists give differing views on whether I need to extract my wisdom teeth, and does it mean that one of them is wrong?

DearHi. Thanks for your questions about wisdom tooth removal. This is the ones I was told from my clinic sometimes. For wisdom tooth removal, there is no right or wrong answers as there is no guidelines in Singapore hence it really depends on dentist who you get treatment. Their own dental philosophies, experiences, collaboration with other dental treatment (expecially braces) etc. In fact, there are quiet some of complication because of delayed wisdom tooth removal which can be obtained from previous experiences by indicisual.

Photo of Dr Ryan Yun

Answered By

Dr Ryan Yun


How can I get rid of smile lines that only occured after teeth extraction for braces?

Thanks for your question about smile lines after braces with tooth extraction. There are two treatment option can be considered for this case. 1. Botox treatment - Botox treatment around nose and lip area can help to reduce to lift the smile line, which will help reduce the smile line. but overall diagnosis should be performed first before starting botox treatment. 2. Crown lengthening - Crown lengthening (tooth crown lengthening) can be considered if tooth is relatively small.

Photo of Dr Ryan Yun

Answered By

Dr Ryan Yun


How will the extraction of 4 premolars for braces affect my facial profile?

Thanks for the question. I understand your concerns about your profile change after braces treatment because of 4 premolar extraction. In braces, 4 premolar extraction is normally required for crowding or protrusion (Upper or Lower or Upper & Lower) cases. 1.

Photo of Dr Ryan Yun

Answered By

Dr Ryan Yun


Is it necessary to extract your wisdom tooth if it is not causing any problems?

Thanks for your question and I understand you have a question about wisdom tooth removal even if the wisdom tooth is not causing any pain. Firstly, it's really important to be seen by dentist for any current wisdom teeth condition, even if there is no pain.

Photo of Dr Ryan Yun

Answered By

Dr Ryan Yun


How do I get get rid of numbness due to wisdom tooth extraction?

Hello, I understand you have had pins and needles sensations around the lower left or right wisdom teeth area since an operation more than one year ago. I feel sorry to hear that you have symptom of damaged nerves but it happens sometimes. There are a few treatment options for numbness after wisdom tooth treatment including nerve regeneration surgery or nerve stimulation by laser or medications, or both combined together. If you have already got numbness for more than 1 year then it is advised to see an oral surgeon to get an accurate examination.

Photo of Dr Ryan Yun

Answered By

Dr Ryan Yun


When is it necessary to extract your wisdom tooth before braces?

Thanks for your inquiries and I understand you are asking about wisdom teeth removal before braces. This is one of the most common questions when it comes to orthodontic treatment. There are a few indications for wisdom tooth removal before braces treatment. But treatment is on a case-by-case basis between patients and dentists based on each individual case. Wisdom tooth removal may be necessary in the following situations: 1.

Photo of Dr Ryan Yun

Answered By

Dr Ryan Yun


What should I do if my wisdom tooth is touching the nerve? (photo)

Ya. Ada kemungkinan baal sementara atau permanen setelah operasi gigi bungsu bila gigi tersebut bersentuhan dengan saraf, berada diantara atau dekat dengan saraf alveolar inferior. Hal ini disebabkan oleh karena saraf dapat menjadi rusak akibat getaran saat operasi atau bahkan bersentuhan saat ekstraksi (pengangkatan gigi). Biasanya, akan dianjurkan untuk tidak mengekstraksi gigi bungsu kecuali terdapat karies atau penyakit gusi yang parah disekitarnya yang menyebabkan nyeri. Tetapi, gigi bungsu harus diangkat bila menyebabkan nyeri apabila berdekatan atau bersentuhan dengan saraf.

Photo of Dr Ryan Yun

Answered By

Dr Ryan Yun


Can dentists remove plaque and food between my teeth if I am wearing braces?

Hi Stanley When wearing braces, it can be pretty difficult to clean teeth, especially in between teeth with plaque and tartar. That is why dentists recommend dental cleaning every 6 months during braces treatment. But we can do cleaning with or without taking out the wires in between teeth. But it is better to clean teeth after taking out the wire temporarily and replace the braces after cleaning.

Photo of Dr Ryan Yun

Answered By

Dr Ryan Yun


When is local or general anaesthesia used for wisdom tooth extraction?

Generally, wisdom tooth removal involving surgical extraction can be carried out with only local anaesthesia. With local anaesthesia, you will not feel any discomfort or pain during surgery since the tooth and surrounding area will be totally numbed. General anaesthesic for wisdom tooth removal is hardly used. But it is occasionally used when the surgery is carried out at the hospital, which also requires other surgeries at the same time. If you are particularly worried about the surgery, sedation would be a good option to relax during the procedure.

Photo of Dr Ryan Yun

Answered By

Dr Ryan Yun


What are possible causes for painful gums around my lower back teeth?

I do understand how painful it was. It needs more accurate examination for diagnosis but normally there are quite a number of reasons causing the pain around lower back tooth. There are two categories. 1. Gum-related ● Gum disease (gingivitis or periodontitis) - this is a gum infection caused by poor oral hygiene ● Pericoronitis - this is a gum infection caused by partially erupted widom tooth ● Periodontal abscess - Gum infection casued by cracked tooth, reinfection of RCT, infection of nerves, etc. - it often comes out as sinus tract.

Photo of Dr Ryan Yun

Answered By

Dr Ryan Yun


How can I get rid of white spots on my tooth? (photo)

This is a very good question about white spots on teeth. There are a few reasons for white spots and ways to get rid of them. Reasons for white spots are: 1. Dental flourosis People usually get this if they consumed too much fluoride when they were young. 2. Enamel hypoplasia This occurs when people's tooth enamel does not form properly, which can cause an increase in tooth decay. 3. Dental hygiene White spots can be caused by plaque or appear on the teeth of someone who wears braces, or eats too many acidic or sugary foods. Treatment options for white spots on teeth are: 1.

Photo of Dr Ryan Yun

Answered By

Dr Ryan Yun



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